First and foremost we want to give a big THANK YOU to everyone who supported and believed in this project from day one!!! This would have not been possible without the passionate people who donated to this project and for the brilliant platform of !!! Everyone from the “Today’s The Day“ family are forever grateful to you all! We are so thrilled to finally share it with you and the world! Our main intention for this film is help others believe in their greatness and to understand that we are the only ones who stand in the way of our dreams. So please help spread this film to everyone you know. You never know who’s life it can change. Thank you so much!! With the clock ticking away, Cloud Walker, a self-doubting intern at the most respected dance agency in LA must ask the boss for permission to attend the biggest audition of the year. Struggling with his inner fears, Cloud’s dream are quickly slipping away. It’s up t
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