Belarus Olimpic sprinter Timanovskaya is traitor and criminal

00:00 intro 00:50 difference between Tikhanovskaya and Timanovskaya 1:00 Western media present Timanovskaya as victim 1:40 media hide information about professional olympic sportsmen 2:00 Russian and Belarus sportsmen are officers 2:50 Timanovskaya is officer of police 3:40 Timanovskaya is criminal 4:20 Poland offered refuge status for belarus sportsmen 5:20 belarus sportsmen escape the country 6:40 belarus protesters have green hairs 6:50 instagram video timanovskaya criticise managers with english sub 7:50 who arranges the scandal on olympics 8:00 how Timanovskaya helps to Lukashenko’s Please don’t use swear words in comments - youtube cencors it. Text me if you need guide or fixer in Russia. Send me bitcoins if you like me and you have them 1JSNLetEaX8TTrogqLy7JmZ1vXzUfS4qJA WebMoney 421136508469 PayPal noya@ Subscribe on my Instagram Noya Kitsch if you want to see my pics in swimsuit
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