Scott Ritter Reveals: The Russian Army Is Preparing for War!

#geopolitics #russia #houthis Within the constantly shifting dynamics of the ongoing conflict, Scott Ritter, a former UN weapons inspections officer, appears to have implied that Russia is bracing itself for potential disturbances originating from the Middle East. Additionally, he emphasizes the involvement of the United States in the ongoing conflict noting the role of Iran. In a statement made by the Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov during a panel discussion during the Russia International Exhibition and Forum in Moscow last year, a noteworthy perspective emerged, asserting that the Western nations are steering the Middle East dangerously close to a significant conflict. According to the minister, this trajectory not only poses the risk of a large-scale war but also has the potential to intensify issues such as the proliferation of terrorism and the surge in refugee flows from the region. He further argued that the approach employed by the West is not confined to mere rhetoric but is visibly evident in the geopolitical landscapes of Ukraine, Iraq, Libya, and Syria. According to him, the consequences of this approach are fully manifested in these regions, leading to a series of interconnected issues. Lavrov pointed out that one of the distressing outcomes of such a policy is a noticeable upswing in terrorism and extremism. The minister asserted that the destabilizing impact is not limited to security concerns alone; it extends to the human level, resulting in shattered destinies, broken families, and a poignant disruption of lives in recent history, Russia has consistently held the perspective that the Western powers, particularly the United States, tend to address their challenges at the cost of other nations. From the Russian standpoint, instances such as interventions in various regions like the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and North Africa have been perceived as emblematic of a pattern where Western powers, led by the United States, pursue their geopolitical objectives without due regard for the consequences on the affected nations.
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