We’re Being Targeted: Join Us In Standing up to the War Machine

LIVE on Indiegogo: #/ In the last year alone, MintPress was banned from PayPal with our balance seized blocking donations to our website –and as leaked emails reveal, this took place with possible involvement of British intelligence and the US government. At the same time, GoFundMe took down our fundraisers and banned us from their platform. Our journalists have been detained, interrogated, surveilled, canceled and lobbied against by national security agencies and special interest groups, including directly by the Israel lobby. Our Wikipedia page has been written and managed by a mafia of pro-NATO editors and Israel lobby groups. This, in addition to aggressive algorithmic blacklisting by Google’s Project Owl and Big Tech Giants shadowbanning from the likes of Twitter, Facebook & TikTok’s, all of whom we’ve exposed to have a deep relationship with the military-industrial complex to control your newsfeed and ensure a pro-war narrative is dominant. We wear this as a badge of honor. This is just a taste of what we’ve faced as an independent media outlet that has been at the forefront of exposing the profiteers of the permanent war state – holding the military class accountable, as every journalism outlet should be doing as defined by our first amendment. Journalism is being criminalized. This is why we’re turning to our readers and supporters to help us sustain our watchdog journalism. While Big Tech ramp up their efforts to make our journalism algorithmically disappear, we’re ramping up our efforts to circumvent this censorship and provide our readers with the most hard-hitting journalism that empowers ‘we the people’. But to continue to do this and keep our investigative journalism free and accessible without a paywall, we’re appealing to our readers for their financial support. Suffice to say, big governments and corporations are not exactly banging down on our door to support us. We just launched our annual fundraiser to help keep us sustained, and I hope that you will join us as we continue to fight against the war machine in this information war.
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