The Godfather of Vaccines - 1 - Vaccine Recommendations, Conflicts of Interest (With Subtitles)
This is the first part from the deposition of Dr. Stanley A. Plotkin, The Godfather of Vaccines.
The questions in this part are mainly about vaccine recommendations for children, financial conflicts of interest and profits of vaccine manufacturers.
Please, share this series of videos so that people may make an informed decision of whether or not to vaccinate themselves and their children. (En, Fr, It, Sr)
💡 If you would like to contribute so that more people can see this video in other languages, contact us and we will show you how to help translate it into the languages you know.
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🙏 Special Thanks To:
Sabrina D’Amato, Stefania Marchesini, Vincenzo Papi and Beka for their tremendous support to bring this project to life.
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Avez-vous regardé une vidéo et souhaité que différentes langues soient incluses?
Nous sommes une petite équipe qui fait des transcriptions et des traductions sur Youtube.
Ce faisant, les informations atteindront un public plus large et les personnes en situation de handicap.
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Da li ste odgledai neki video na YouTube-u i poželeli da postoje prevodi i na drugim jezicima kako bi poruka koju video prenosi stigla do što većeg broja ljudi?
Mi smo mali tim koji učestvuje u stvaranju transkripata i prevoda na YouTube-u.
Na ovaj način pomažemo da informacije stignu do brojnije publike i lica sa posebnim potrebama.
Ako vam se sviđa ovo što radimo, i ako želite da u buduće bude što više ovakvog sadržaja, molimo vas da nas podržite, možete da pomognete da naš projekat doživi ekspanziju i da nastavimo sa radom.
Hvala na vašem vremenu i podršci, koje iskreno cenimo.
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