Admiral William Brown ✠ - Almirante William Brown ✠ (Irish song dedicated to Argentina)
•When the May Revolution occurred, William Brown joined the patriot movement and in 1814 accepted the command of a squadron to deal with the interference of Spanish ships.
Brown had to return to Buenos Aires as a result of a wound he had received in combat and the government appoints him Commander General of the Navy. Due to the effects of that wound, he remains lame for life. Later, he retired to his villa in Barracas, where he remained away from public life until President Rivadavia called him to service in 1826. That year he fought in the port of Colonia against the Brazilian squadron, his fate turned out to be adverse, until with eleven badly equipped vessels and a poor crew he defeated the Brazilians who commanded 31 units.
On June 10, 1826, a powerful Brazilian force made up of 31 ships appeared before Buenos Aires.
Brown, who only had 4 ships and 7 gunboats, is not intimidated and addressing his crew members he harangues them with these words:
“Marines and soldiers of the Republic: Do you see that great floating mountain? There are 31 enemy ships. But do not believe that your General harbors the slightest suspicion, since he does not doubt your courage and hopes that you will imitate the “May 25“ that will be scuttled rather than surrendered. Comrades: confidence in victory, discipline and three Long Live the Fatherland. “
At two o’clock in the afternoon, a general start to the battle began due to the expectation of the crowd gathered on the shore watching other ships that were coming to the place of combat. Brown’s ship endured an intense cannonade. Brown is forced to abandon the “May 25“ which is towed to Buenos Aires and continues the battle aboard the brig “República“. When the smoke of combat cleared, the enemy force was seen to retreat.
-At the orders of Rosas
In 1829, he returned to private life and in 1837 he made a trip to his native country. At the beginning of 1841, Rosas entrusted him with the mission of creating a squadron to face the foreign ships that supported Rivera. Brown asks Rosas to name the flagship “El Restaurador“, but he orders him to designate it “San Martín“
In May he defeated the Riveristas against Montevideo and in 1842 he defeated the opposing squad in the battle of Costa Brava (August 15, 1842) commanded by Garibaldi, who was severely beaten.
In 1843 Montevideo blocked by order of Rosas, a blockade that the British intervention made fail.
•Al producirse la Revolución de Mayo William Brown se adhiere al movimiento patriota y en 1814 acepta el mando de una escuadrilla para hacer frente a las interferencias de los buques españoles.
Brown tuvo que regresar a Buenos Aires a consecuencia de una herida que había recibido en combate y el gobierno lo designa Comandante General de la Marina. Por los efectos de esa herida queda cojo para toda la vida. Posteriormente, se retira a su quinta de Barracas, donde permanece alejado de la vida pública hasta que en 1826 lo llama a servicio el presidente Rivadavia. Ese año combate en el puerto de la Colonia contra la escuadra brasileña, resultándole adversa la suerte, hasta que con once embarcaciones mal pertrechadas y con una tripulación pobre derrota a los brasileños que mandaban 31 unidades.
El 10 de junio de 1826 una poderosa fuerza brasileña compuesta por 31 barcos se presenta ante Buenos Aires.
Brown, que solamente disponía de 4 buques y 7 cañoneras, no se amedrenta y dirigiéndose a sus tripulantes los arenga con estas palabras:
“Marinos y soldados de la República: ¿Veis esa gran montaña flotante? Son 31 buques enemigos. Mas no creáis que vuestro General abriga el menor recelo, pues que no duda de vuestro valor y espera que imitaréis a la “25 de Mayo” que será echada a pique antes que rendida. Camaradas: confianza en la victoria, disciplina y tres Vivas a la Patria.”
A las dos de la tarde se dio comienzo generalizado a la batalla ante la expectativa de la muchedumbre agolpada en la ribera viendo a otras naves que acudían al lugar del combate. El buque de Brown soportó un intenso cañoneo. Brown se ve obligado a abandonar la “25 de Mayo” que es remolcada a Buenos Aires y sigue la batalla a bordo del bergantín “República”. Al despejarse el humo del combate se vio que la fuerza enemiga se retiraba.
-A las órdenes de Rosas
En 1829, vuelve a la vida privada y en 1837 hace un viaje a su país natal. A principios de 1841, Rosas le confía la misión de crear una escuadra para hacer frente a los buques extranjeros que apoyaban a Rivera. Brown solicita a Rosas nombrar “El Restaurador” a la nave insignia, pero aquel le ordena designarla “San Martín”
En mayo derrotó a los riveristas frente a Montevideo y en 1842 venció a la escuadra adversaria en la batalla de Costa Brava (15 de agosto de 1842) mandada por Garibaldi, a quien le propina una soberana paliza.
En 1843 bloquea Montevideo por orden de Rosas, bloqueo que la intervención británica hizo fracasar.
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