The Oldest Man in the World, 1920 (1920)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit John Chell, aged 135, is show with his wife and children, ranging in age from toddler to older adult Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: The Oldest Man in the World USA: Kentucky: EXT CU. John Shell, 135 year old backwoodsman, reading newspaper LV. Old man, 34 year old wife & 5 year old son leaving shack to sit on bench outside SCU. Old man, wife & child MV. Old man turning wheel of lathe, child looking on MV. Shell’s sons CU. Shell and his youngest son BCU. Old man Personalities - Miscellaneous, United States of America, Old Age longevity, elder, elders, senior, seniors, John Shell Background: John Chell, aged 135, is show with his wife and children, ranging in age from toddler to older adult FILM ID: VLVA5P7G2JX6Y7CQ0A51LMNAG94HS To license this film, visit
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