
\ 0:00 Course Orientation! Up Sublime [optional]\ 7:02 Sublime Setup 16:49 Adding Master Header File 20:04 Escaping Online Judges 26:51 Common Code Snippets 31:45 Using Macros 41:36 Example Code Explained Representation\ 59:41 Graphs Introduction 1:11:46 Graph Applications 1:17:34 Graph Key Terms 1:26:42 Adjacency List Representation 1:35:24 Adjacency List Representation with Node Class First Search\ 1:44:32 Breadth First Search 1:51:15 BFS Code 1:58:31 BFS Shortest Path 2:03:02 BFS Shortest Path Code 2:09:12 Snakes and Ladder Solution First Search\ 2:17:37 DFS Concept 2:21:55 DFS Code 2:27:36 Largest Island Solution Detection\ 2:40:06 Cycle Detection in Undirected Graph 2:43:40 Cycle Detection in Undirected Graph Code 2:52:39 Directed Graph - Cycle Detection 3:01:34 Directed Graph - Cycle Detection Code 3:14:21 Bipartite Graph 3:21:36 Bipartite Graph Code Acyclic Graph\ 3:34:02 Directed Acyclic Graph & Topological Ordering 3:38:37 Topological Sort Algorithm 3:43:27 Topological Ordering BFS Code 3:49:23 Toplogical Order using DFS 3:54:14 Topological Ordering using DFS Code Set Union\ 3:59:20 Disjoint Set Union Introduction 4:03:40 DSU Data Structure - Union & Find Ops 4:12:41 DSU Data Structure 4:19:47 DSU Implementation 4:33:03 Union by Rank 4:43:19 Path Compression Optimisation 4:51:58 DSU Dry Run Spanning Trees\ 5:05:12 Introduction to Minimum Spanning Trees! 5:08:50 Prim’s Algorithm 5:28:22 Prim’s Code 5:47:05 Kruskal’s Algorithm 5:56:03 Kruskal’s Code Path Algorithms\ 6:09:40 Introduction to Shortest Path Algorithms 6:17:33 Dijkshtra’s Algorithm 6:26:45 Dijkshtra’s Algorithm Code 6:41:39 Bellman Ford Algorithm 7:14:48 Bellman Ford Code 7:23:59 Floyd Warshall 7:53:33 Floyd Warshall Code 8:02:11 Solution - Shortest Path in Grid! Salesman Problem\ 8:14:32 Travelling Salesman Problem 8:26:36 Travelling Salesman Intution 8:30:18 TSP Brute Force 8:42:43 TSP DP Bitmasking Fill\ 8:45:27 Flood Fill Introduction 8:50:58 Number of Islands 9:09:17 Coloring Islands 9:16:17 Biggest Island 9:19:47 Make Largest island - Source BFS\ 9:38:48 Introduction to Multi Source BFS 9:51:00 Problem on Multi Source BFS 10:10:45 Bonus Problem on Multi Source BFS 10:26:36 01 BFS and Backedges\ 10:34:16 Introduction to DFS tree and Backedges 10:43:23 DFS Tree and backedges in Undirected graph 11:00:04 DFS Tree and Backedges in Directed and Undirectde graphs 11:23:16 Print cycle in a graph Points & Bridges\ 11:33:19 Introduction and definitions 11:45:46 Discovered Time 11:57:18 Lowest Time or Low Link
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