Kamen Rider Dragon Knight Theme Widescreen

The opening in a little better quality and widescreen! So this is where I say the premise of the show XDD the show’s bout 13 people duking it out to the death to save earth now when I say duking it out to the death I mean they fight each other not all 13 of them vs the monster of the week *cough power rangers cough* the only cheesy parts are a few jokes made by a guy who’s already dead and the kids that work in the store that you see maybe once or twice an episode. Now it’s on The CW4Kids, but it’s never been touched by it when it was being made. Originally supposed to air on Cartoon Network this show kicks butt and takes names. Right when you think that the two main guys are together and got everything good between them, dynamic duo and such, they’re split up and are pinned against each other in combat. Another good thing is everyone that plays a teenager is a teenager no one plays younger or older really. This is no power rangers show but if you had to compare it to power rangers you’d have to say that K
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