Crafting Amazing Guitar Tones and Effects with Free Ampsim VSTs [HOW TO]

My Complete Theory and Songwriting course is NOW OUT! I’ve posted a tab for Solfegietto and the mp3 for “grimebreath” at my Patreon: With free ampsim vsts, you can have an entire arsenal of amplifiers, pedals, and effects at your disposal without having to spend a penny. In this video I’m going to walk you through how to install and use them in your tracks, then show you how I craft my guitar tones for my songs and videos. This can be very helpful for you if you don’t do a lot of playing out or gigging, or if you spend a lot of time recording. You need a program like Ableton or Protools, any DAW that can use VSTs. This will cost money but will end up saving you far more in the long run than buying amps and pedals. At the end, I made a mini music-video for a snippet I wrote just for this video by using a weird guitar tone. I really like the groove and intend to finish that song one day with a real drummer and a different singer.
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