Human Icebergs (1933)

Titles read: “Human Icebergs. A bit from Bondi, Australia. Every true Australian knows of Bondi - in the summer time. But, this item deals with Bondi in the winter - “. Bondi, Australia. M/S of a man asleep in bed; he leans out to switch off his ringing alarm clock (5 o’clock!) then turns over and goes back to sleep. We see men of The Icebergs, Bondi’s all-year swimming club, jumping into the icy water of an open-air pool adjacent to Bondi Bay and swimming about. One man is seen diving in, then immediately coming out again (reverse footage) because of the cold! M/S of a man lying beneath the surface of the water; commentator jokes that he has been frozen in. One man is handed a small block of ice for winning a race. Huge waves splash over into the pool from the rough sea beyond. Brief M/S of a man sitting indoors with his feet in a bowl, a blanket around his shoulders and teeth chattering. He is supposedly the ex-president of the club. Back at the pool we see his replacement being thrown in
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