Santa Claus presents Bathing Beauties to the Life Guards of the Californian Beach for Xmas...(1940)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Santa Claus presents Bathing Beauties to the Life Guards of the Californian Beach for Xmas Gift. Full Description: Florida, . Gen. view of Santa Claus wheeling girls on beach. Back view of Santa Claus wheeling two girls in bathing costumes past sleeping lifeguards on sand towards Xmas tree. Gen. view showing Lifeguards asleep in bathing costumes on ground. Gen. view of Santa Claus putting bathing girls in tree. Semi view of three beautiful bathing girls in tree. of beautiful bathing girl in tree. Gen. view of girls on Xmas tree on sands waving, Lifeguards wake up. Semi view of lifeguards taking girls from trees Gen. view of Lifeguards walking towards camera with bathing girl in their arms. Semi view of lifeguard carrying two bathing girls across sand towards camera. Background: Santa Claus presents Bathing Beauties to the Life Guards of the Californian Beach
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