Say, What Do You Say

Say, What Do You Say? A nice, slow song with a happy, country-music feel about when you are moving house and desperately trying to get a break from all the hassle. Although I wrote and sang the song, it is available for an established male or female country music artist. The song is available to make your own through HamTamMusic. (I’m available for writing songs) Some links: WORDS: We’ve been packing our life up all weekend. Getting ready to say goodbye. Got so much stuff in the pick-up truck. The damn wheels are out of line. ________________________________________ Gotta shake our bones at sunrise. Not our favourite time of day. Got big dreams inside of us. But they can rest for one more day. ________________________________________ Cos chasing your tail ain’t no fun. I’m so tired that I could drop. Need to draw the line somewhere honey. Or we’ll never stop. ________________________________________ Say, what you say? We kick back and have a good time? Say, what do you say? Just relax and enjoy a smile. Dim the light, turn the music on, take the thoughts out of your mind. Let’s saddle up in the rocking chair, crack a beer, uncork the wine. ________________________________________ Was a pretty tiring journey. But we got here in the end. Flat tire didn’t even hold us back. But it sure weren’t heaven-sent. Got the stuff unpacked and tidy. But a few more things to do. So, I think it’s time we took another break. A little time, for me and you. ________________________________________ Cos, chasing your tail ain’t no fun. I’m so tired that I could drop. Need to draw the line somewhere honey. Or we’ll never stop. ________________________________________ Say, what do you say? We kick back to have a good time? Say, what do you say? Just relax and enjoy a smile. Dim the light, turn the music on. Take the thoughts out of your mind. Let’s saddle up in the rocking chair, crack a beer, uncork the wine. ________________________________________ Cos, chasing your tail ain’t no fun. I’m so tired that I could drop. Need to draw the line somewhere honey. Or we’ll never stop. ________________________________________ Say what do you say? Say what do you say? Say what do you say? To fade…… _______________________________________ © Copyright: HamTamMusic and Hallgreenboy
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