I played Dragon Age Origins after Baldur’s Gate 3

and the similarities are crazy 👀 Subscribe to jayvee for more videos! ► ​ Watch more videos on jayvee! ► - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Follow jayvee! ► Twitter: ​ ► Discord: ► Instagram: ​ Latest Uploads: Far Cry 5 is so much better than I remember Hitman Freelancer turned me into a master assassin Dead Space Remake looks better than real life I played Forspoken so you don’t have to Tomb Raider is so much better than I remember Red Dead 2 is still a masterpiece in 2023 Mafia 3 is one of the open world games I’ve ever played The Last of Us Remake looks better than real... life I tried to be evil in Fable 3 Spec Ops The Line made me question life High on Life is the weirdest game I’ve ever played Dragon’s Dogma is one of the open world games of all time I can’t believe I never played The Saboteur Dishonored is SO much better with high chaos Shadow of War is so much better than I remember The Witcher 3 new update is actually insane Far Cry 4 is absolute chaos So I played the FINAL update for AC Valhalla... The Callisto Protocol makes me afraid to go outside I played AC Unity with the dumbest weapon Shadow of Mordor is still better than most open world games I can’t believe I never played Metal Gear Solid V Watch Dogs Legion is so much better with Assassins GTA 4 is so much better than I remember God of War Ragnarök might actually live up to the scores Days Gone is the most over underrated game of all time The last Splinter Cell game is actually pretty good So I played Batman Arkham Knight after Gotham Knights… - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - About jayveeonYT: News, reactions, and gameplay of all the biggest RPGs, open world, and action-adventure video games! Jayvee covers Assassin’s Creed, Cyberpunk, Fallout, and more! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - #gaming #jayvee #baldursgate3
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