H&K MP7 Sub Machine Pistol Mini-Documentary (Battlefield Vegas)

In this episode of TFBTV, James and Patrick interview representatives of Battlefield Vegas and Heckler and Koch to get some basic information about the mysterious H&K MP7 Submachinegun. Of course, James and Patrick (as well as TFBTV’s camera guys, who had never shot a gun before SHOT 2017) get to cut loose with the MP7 on camera. Note that the version fired at Battlefield is an MP7A1, while the model used by H&K’s rep is the A2 variant. Shoot this gun at Battlefield Vegas: If you want a little background on the MP7 before watching the mini-doc, no one sets the stage better than TFB’s own Nathaniel F. The following excerpt is from Nathaniel’s article “The HK PDW: The Origins Of The MP7“ Though rare in the wild, mostly seeing use with special units and some police departments, is a favorite of Hollywood movie-makers and Triple-
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