Neon Zoom Transition | After Effects Tutorial

In this After Effects Tutorial, I’ll show you how to animate this fun zoom transition! ► Download the project file here: Content: 0:00 Intro 0:20 Creating and animating triangular shapes. 5:00 Putting the transition together 5:49 Adding speed lines 7:11 Adding footage 9:12 Outro ► “Saber“ by Videocopilot: First, we create and animate 4 triangular shapes. We add a lot of detail, like a custom inner drop shadow. And we use the free to download “Saber“ Plug-in to add a neon light. Then we put the transition together by creating a new “Transition“ comp and adding the 4 shapes. After that, we add some simple speed lines, which are put into perspective by using the taper option of the path stroke. Finally, we add some footage. ► Software: Adobe After Effects 17.7 ► I use music from Artlist: ► I use footage from Artgrid: If you have any further questions,
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