Am Yisrael Chai - (עם ישראל חי (מחרוזת חיזוק - Feat. Benny Friedman (ביחד ננצח video mas

“Am Yisroel Chai” In Conjunction with R’ Shai Graucher and Standing Together/Chessed V’Rachamim Featuring: Benny Friedman Music Produced By: Doni Gross Video Produced By: KolRom Streaming Everywhere: - Ever since the war broke out, the chesed of Klal Yisrael has been nonstop. We’ve all seen and heard clips of the unending giving. It’s extraordinary to watch, incredible to see. Inspired by the nonstop work of Rabbi Shai Graucher and Standing Together/Chessed V’Rachamim! This video is not just about catchy tunes and captivating visuals. It carries a powerful message of unity and resilience. Standing Together/Chessed V’Rachamim has been at the forefront of providing support for acheinu Bnei Yisrael in Israel. Their incredible show of solidarity and achdus is awe-inspiring. Whether it is their visits and support to the families of the victims, their hospital visits to wounded soldiers and citizens, providing essentials a
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