Smooth 7 - Breath Away (199x) (FINEST UNRELEASED SHIT)

Smooth 7 aka “Smooth 7“ aka “Malcolm Little“ aka “Sonny Blue Eyes“ in thaaaaa house... Originally released in 1994, not in 1998 like they wrote on discogs... Reissue & Remastered edition presented by “SouthWest Enterprise“ from 2021... 👉🏼 The tape include 10 previously unreleased bonus tracks recorded between the early mid 90’s and 2003.. Support Smooth 7 and buy his album on vinyl or CD... Los Angeles, California represent...🙌🏼 👉🏼 Sample “Toto - Africa“ (1982) 👉🏼 Enjoy this classic shit🥃🌴🌇🎱 Original Copyright Owner Of This Song? Please Contact Me, If You Want Me To This Track.
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