THANK YOU | Sanskrit Mantra from Upanishads | Fearless Bliss

This song came all in one flow, and it includes an exquisite Sanskrit mantra that trips off the tongue and gives utter reassurance that everything is OK. It takes one from the mind to the heart यतो॒ वाचो॒ निव॑र्तन्ते। अप्रा᳚प्य॒ मन॑सा स॒ह। आनन्दं ब्रह्म॑णो वि॒द्वान्। न बिभेति कुत॑श्चने॒ति yato॒ vāco॒ niva॑rtante। aprā᳚pya॒ mana॑sā sa॒ha। ānandaṃ brahma॑ṇo vi॒dvān। na bibheti kuta॑ścane&
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