[하이라이트] 만화방에서 벌어지는 벌칙 퍼레이드 Penalty parade show at comic book café | Rookie King BTS
만화방에서 벌어지는 BTS 끝판왕!!
멤버들의 인상을 찡그리게 만든 벌칙들
지금까지 이런 망가짐은 없었다
모두를 충격에 빠트린 RM의 벌칙은?! BTS 끝판왕!!
The Final Boss of BTS in the cartoon room!!
What are the penalties that made the members’ faces frown?
What is the penalty for RM, which shocked everyone?
English & Chinese subtitles are included.
Stay tunned, Channel BTS!