How to Install GCC and G++ Compiler on Ubuntu LTS (Linux) (2024)

How to Install GCC and G Compiler on Ubuntu LTS (Linux) In this tutorial, we will guide you through the steps to install the GCC and G compilers on Ubuntu LTS. GCC (GNU Compiler Collection) is essential for compiling C programs, while G is used for C programs. Follow along to set up your development environment and start compiling your C and C programs on Ubuntu LTS. **Steps to Install GCC and G Compiler on Ubuntu LTS:** 1. **Update Package List:** - Open your terminal. You can do this by pressing `Ctrl Alt T` or searching for “Terminal“ in the application menu. - Before installing any new software, it’s a good idea to update your package list to make sure you have the latest information about available packages. ```bash sudo apt u ... #ProgrammingKnowledge #ubuntu_install_gcc #ubuntu_install_gcc-12 #install_g _ubuntu #ubuntu_install_gcc-10 #ubuntu_install_gcc-11 #ubuntu_gcc_package #ubuntu_update_gcc #install_c_compiler_ubuntu #G 20240709 ndc8oDSNZzQ
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