De Gaulle Wins Vital Second Ballot (1965)

Various, France. Various shots of the scenes at rallies of the two main parties after the first vote at French Presidential elections. They go all out for vote in the second ballot. Various shots of the French family seated around their television set watching Francois Mitterand, Minister of the Interior in De Gaulle’s Government, then De Gaulle comes on. Various shots of the people at French polling station casting their votes in the second ballot. Good shots of voters coming out from behind curtain of boxes after filling in ballot slip. Quick zoom in to close up shots of their faces. CU. Hand putting slips into box. MS. General Charles De Gaulle and wife enter room to vote at Colombey-les-Deax Eglises. GV. Village of Chateau-Chinon. CU. Sign ’Chateau-Chinon’. Various shots of Francois Mitterand entering polling station in Chateau-Chinon with wife He shakes hands with people as he walks in and out. Various shots of Champs Elysees in Paris at night, it is raining and the pavement cafes and lights look hazy
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