Жизнь в горной деревне. Ловля и приготовление форели и коровьего сыра.

This time I will show you my daily life in the mountain village where I work on the farm. I feed, catch and cook trout and homemade cow’s cheese, as well as make unique candies that resemble Chupa-Chups. In my free time, I go for birch sap and collect firewood. I hope you enjoy the simple country life, thanks for commenting and subscribing to my channel. You can watch with subtitles. Candy recipe: - 6 spoons of sugar. - 2 tablespoons of drinking water. - 1 teaspoon of vinegar. Stir on fire until golden. Life in a mountain village, baking bread with mushrooms the old fashioned way. The cheapest bread in the world. Difficult daily life in a high mountain village. Production of unique cow butter. The old age of an elderly person high in the mountains is far from civilization. #rurallife #village #documentary
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