Handling in french staff - bâton français

“The only advice that a practitioner who wants to take up the baton should remember, in my opinion, is to spend hours, days and years manipulating his weapon in every possible way. The batonist must become one with his weapon and this requires a prior discovery of all that can be done with it, in space, without constraint. The codification will then structure the practice, coordinate it. It is also important to bear in mind that, if you want to practice for a long time, you have to save your energy, be careful with your positioning, not force your joints for example, be careful with the effects of leverage which are important when you hold the stick at arm’s length... You have to stay awake, present, mobilised even when you are relaxed, and remain vigilant, because the weapon remains dangerous. Of course, the respect of the physical integrity, in our sport, is a priority and thus, all the movements must seek a kind of body harmony. Fluidity and relaxation are the axes to be privileged
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