“Hymn To Poseiden“ (original composition for solo lyre in the ancient Greek Hypodorian Mode) - track 6 of my album “The Ancient Modes“. This album features 7 original compositions for Kithara-style lyre, in each of the 7 original ancient Greek musical modes - as described in the writings of Plato & Aristotle some 2400 years ago.
The ancient Greek hypodorian mode is the equivalent intervals as A-A on the white notes of the piano. In the Midde Ages, this was misnamed the “Aeolian Mode“ - due to a massive Medieval mix up, all the ancient Greek modes were given the wrong Greek we are still using the same confusing terminology today! For full details, please visit:
Poseidon or Posidon (Greek: Ποσειδῶν) is one of the twelve Olympian gods of the pantheon in Greek mythology. His main domain is the ocean - he was the ancient