The Book Of Enoch: For The Final Generation (Full Audiobook)

Sealed away for thousands of years, then found again and unsealed in this remote generation, when it’s knowledge confirms so much and has so much meaning and impact... How could a simple desert dweller 5000 years ago have seen the seven continents? How could he have known how many types of coniferous trees there are? How could he have perfectly mapped all the details of the movements of the sun, moon and stars over the earth? And how could he have known it was them moving and not the earth as so many have believed? This and many more secrets are expounded upon within these inspired pages. This video depicts a 3D model of the Biblically described, enclosed plane of the earth. The Book Of Enoch or 1 Enoch, a book of the Apocrypha. Apocrypha features a persons experience of an apocalypse (Apocalypse fr. Ancient Greek, meaning: “uncovering“), translated literally from Greek, is a disclosure of knowledge, i.e., a lifting of the veil or revelation.) The book Of Enoch contains the
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