2 String Shredding Trick | Economy Picking VS Alternate Picking

Today’s topic is economy picking VS alternate picking in the context of 2 string shredding phrases! In this lesson I show you a little trick I came across in my practice sessions, this one allows me to play those popular licks quite fast without any real effort or challenge coming from the string switching or picking patterns. I’d love to hear if you have a completely different picking approach for these phrases, feel free to share it below! We also analyze the little practical example in detail and check out the music theory background of changing the V chord in natural minor to a major chord. Tabs, Guitar Pro file and practice backing tracks are online on Subscribe and stay updated for more videos: In-depth guitar lessons, workout sheets, guitar pro files and Skype lessons are available as a member of the Shred Guitar Community here: My 10 week online guitar course '
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