A. B. MICHELANGELI plays: -Concerto no.4 - I Tempo(1957)

Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli plays:Sergei Rachmaninoff -Concerto no.4 I Tempo- # Philharmonia Orchestra/Ettore Gracis - London March 1957 Sergei Rachmaninoff completed his Piano Concerto No. 4 in G minor, Op. 40 in 1926 and the work currently exists in three versions. Following its unsuccessful premiere he made cuts and other amendments before publishing it in 1928. With continued lack of success, he withdrew the work, eventually revising and republishing it in 1941. Form: Compared to its predecessors, the Fourth contains sharper thematic profiles along with a refinement of textures in keyboard and orchestra. These qualities do not lead to greater simplicity but to a different sort of complexity. It was also a continuation of Rachmaninoff’s long-range creative growth. The Third and the recomposed First Concertos were less heavily orchestrated than the Second. In keeping with its general character, the Fourth is lighter still yet more oblique.[2] The concerto is written
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