Anywhere Is Instrumental Version

Anywhere Is The land of the summer stars… the winter garden…that way…the land of paradoxes…the city of angels…aigle… anywhere is…roma…the island of ebony…. persia…the island of the four precious walls…the willows on the water… the land of three winters…ole inigo…thoraigh… wood of dreams…the plain of the winds… anywhere is…gaothdobhair…this way… a whispering world…orinoco… lothlorien….the palace of solitude…. the garden of the singing-ringing tree… the land of illusion…cuyahoga… the painted ball…the crystal sea… lake disappointment….aldebaran…life… my way home…anywhere is… Quotes about the song Enya: It was a very enjoyable song to work on. It was just wonderful and Roma wrote just lovely lyrics. “Anywhere Is. It’s either this or that way,” it’s kind of a lighter look towards life. As with much of Enya’s music, the melody for ‘Anywhere Is’, the addictive first single from The Memory of Trees, was the impetus for Roma Ryan’s stanzas about the search for the temporal heaven all cultures call “home.“ “Tha
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