Living Room sESSion : Chiara & IL Ponte & Sara Live Concert

The Living Room sESSion Studio is the place/channel for sharing great live music from Acoustic Steel Instruments, Handpan and Pantam from Musician/Artists around the world. we have been developing this Project/Activity since February 2016. - Chiara & Il Ponte Live Concert @ Living Room sESSion Lenzburg, Switzerland. Headphones recommended. 720p HD for High Quality. Chiara Voltolina, graduated in Disciplines of art, music and entertainment at the University of Padua. In 2016 the first level Master in communication and non-verbal languages: psychomotor, music therapy and performance at the Ca ’Foscari University of Venice ends. In recent years he has specialized in Music Education following several seminars (first level of psychophony, three levels of body percussion teaching, etc.) IL Ponte: I think music, among all the powers they could attribute to her, has the ability to describe complex and deep feelings or states of mind, better than any other language. In 2014
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