4K Japan Kyoto Cherry Blossom(sakura) 2021 京都の桜 満開 花見 京都観光 旅行 案内 清水寺 嵐山 醍醐寺 

29 March〜2 April 2021 Kyoto Cherry Blossom 2021. Cherry blossom season is one of the most popular times of the year in Japan. Kyoto, the former capital of Japan, is a cultural city renowned for their age-old cultural practices. Kyoto is the iconic tourist spot of Japan and its best season is spring. All over the city clouds of beautiful cherry blossoms bloom and draw visitors from every corner of Japan and the world. Peak bloom in the Kyoto was reached on March 26 this year, the earliest since the Japan Meteorological Agency started collecting the data in 1953. 3月16日には京都では観測史上1位の早さで開花するなど、平年よりかなり早い開花となりました。また、京都地方気象台{
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