Astrological Horoscope Predictions for the Month of May 2022 ( All Zodiac / Rashiful Signs)
0:00 Mesha Rashifal | Aries Prediction
1:52 Vrishabha Rashifal | Taurus Prediction
3:44 Mithuna Rashifal | Gemini Prediction
5:32 Karka Rashifal | Cancer Prediction
7:15 Simha Rashifal | Leo Prediction
9:01 Kanya Rashifal | Virgo Prediction
10:41 Tula Rashifal | Libra Prediction
12:07 Vrishchika Rashifal | Scorpio Prediction
15:48 Dhanu Rashifal | Sagittarius Prediction
18:31 Makara Rashifal | Capricorn Prediction
21:02 Kumbha Rashifal | Aquarius Rashiphal
23:40 Meena Rashifal | Pisces Prediction
It starts with the luxury-loving sign of Taurus and ends with the talkative sign of Gemini on the 21st of the month. With regard to both element and modality, this change from Bullish fixed-earth to Mutable air of the Twins is possibly the most remarkable volte-face of the Zodiac calendar. Later in May, you should be prepared for an energy transition from sluggish earthly ambulations to hyper-speed stratospheric communications. Prepare appropriately.
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