Mantra: God and Me, Me and God, are One

Language: English, Portuguese and Gurmukhi Mantra: God and Me, Me and God, are One Complete Mantra: God and Me, Me and God, are One Deus e Eu, Eu e Deus , Somos Um Mantra: God and Me, Me and God, are One It’s purpose is to remember that God is within every one of us, and that to connect to the Divine, you need only to look within. Ong Sohung, Ong Sohung, Ong Sohung, Ong Sohung, Ong Sohung Translation: Ong - The Creative Consciousness of the Universe Sohung - I am that! Chanting this mantra stimulates ond opens the heart chakra. It is a beautiful recognition that each of us is a part of the Creative Consciousness of the Universe. “ We are a simple, living, human being and we should watch our living, and hear our inner sound, which is pure love, pure life, pure existence.“ 11/24/90 Yogi Bhajan
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