Andreas Antonopoulos: Just because you don’t need bitcoin, doesn’t mean it’s not needed.

I first met Andreas Antonopoulos at the 2014 Bitcoin Expo conference in Toronto, Canada. At that time Andreas was already established as the most publicly recognized expert in the field of crypto-currency, not in the least due to his impressive capacity to take the geek out of bitcoin and make it relevant to and understandable by everyone. To top it off, Antonopoulos is extremely eloquent, has an impressively broad spectrum of knowledge and is an admitted disruptarian. No wonder that my 1st interview with Andreas was so popular. Unfortunately, it took five years before I finally managed to get him back on my show but I hope you enjoy it as much as I did because he is as brilliantly illuminating as ever. During my 60-minute interview with Andreas Antonopoulos, we cover a variety of interesting topics such as: why he is first and foremost an educator and an author; his recent books Mastering Bitcoin and The Internet of Money; why we need stronger privacy in the bitcoin protocol; blockchain vs bitcoin; Mike Hearn’s claim that bitcoin has failed; power, influence and governance; crypto-exchanges, price manipulation and regulation; the Ethereum DAO hard fork; whether proof of stake is the future leading consensus mechanism; bitcoin’s energy consumption…
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