Pyramid Lake, Nevada - 1977
You never know what you’re going to find in the desert, especially at night, beneath the shimmering stars and the glaring spotlight of the moon the countless miles of asphalt lead into the vast empty. the details of the hills and mountains are nothing but silhouettes of their former glory but these two officers are used to it, apart from the petty crime, handling affairs with the Paiute Reservation and the odd serious case coming out of Reno, they spend there days patrolling up and down the highway, watching the hours tick by.
In the cities most officers are bombarded with the domestic disturbances the keep them on their toes at all hours, but for these two men the quiet is to be feared. Driving down Route 445, the sound of radio chatter filling the patrol cars interior it appears to be another normal night, until a few miles later their headlights catch a glimpse of something stuck in a sand drift, the back end of a Ford Ranchero.
This isn’t an unusual sight for the officers,