Greta Thunberg heckled at rally

Everyone’s favorite weather goblin is back, and this time she’s even managing to annoy her own supporters. During a climate rally in Amsterdam on Sunday, Thunberg decided to stray from her hits and instead tried out stuff from her experimental new album, which didn’t go down so well with some of the crowd. After giving up much of her allotted time to an Afghan activist and a Palestinian woman, Thunberg said, ‘As a climate justice movement, we have to listen to the voices of those who are being oppressed.’ At this point, an extremely polite heckler took to the stage, wrestled the mic (politely) from Greta and said, ‘I came here for a climate demonstration, not a political view.’ The man was strong-armed off the stage as Greta began leading chants of ‘No climate justice on occupied land!’ Yes Greta, we’re sure the number one concern in Gaza right now is whether or not it’s being carbon neutral
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