Princess Margaret hosts girl guides rally at Chelmsford (1949)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Girl Scouts visit Princess Margaret in Essex Full Description: ENGLAND: Essex: Chelmsford: EXT CHELMSFORD Princess Margaret in uniform of Sea Ranger Commodore takes salute at Massed Guides Rally GIRL GUIDES Princess Margaret appears dressed as Sea Ranger Commodore in Massed rally of girl guides at Chelmsford. Margaret takes salute as guides march past and later inspects camp Brownie being presented to Margaret PRINCESS MARGARET In uniform of Sea Ranger Commodore at Guides Rally at Chelmsford. Takes the salute and later inspects the camp. Seen talking to young Brownie Princess Margaret (Rose), Countess of Snowden (1930-2002); Royalty; Youth Organisations Scouts, jamboree, royal, grounds, brownie Background: Girl Scouts visit Princess Margaret in Essex FILM ID: VLVA9FSSJ7L4FUNC854JW9L1GN7W2 To license this film, visit
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