Video von Anna Perepelova

*** What is actually Ayahuasca and what its ceremony includes *** An Ayahuasca Ceremony is an opportunity to receive treatment for the spirit and take part in your own healing. Ayahuasca ceremony participants arrive in the early evening, as ceremonies are held at night. Participants arrive before the ceremony begins to show respect for the healer, or curanderos, leading the ceremony. The Maestro curanderos first prepares for the ceremony, after introductions, if necessary. Preparation includes cleaning of the space and implements with mapacho tobacco, prayers, and other blessings. The ceremony begins after preparation of the space and ceremonial tools. *** Music in ceremony *** Songs are an important part of healing experience, and curanderos use healing songs called “icaros”. These songs help curanderos to communicate with spirits and ask for help in healing treatments for the patients. Each icaro has a specific purpose in the healing process. Curanderos sing to open every ceremony, inviting spirits to be present in the ceremony in order to perform healings. The curandero sings throughout the ceremony as the patients navigate their own experiences. The curanderos also use the icaros to raise and lower the intensity of the experience. *** Closing the Ayahuasca Ceremony *** The ceremony ends with an icaro to close the healing circle. The curandero also provide patients with protection from spiritual vulnerability before they leave the ceremony. After the end of the ceremony, lights are lit and brief discussion takes place before people leave to go to sleep.
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