’JUICY REVEALS’ Incoming! Hopes and Predictions!

We have another reveal show about to hit and I think if you’re Xenos players, this may be the one for one, I’ve heard a lot of spicy stuff around this one! Let’s get the HYPE train moving, brothers! 00:00 INTRO 00:23 40K 04:15 Horus Heresy 05:05 Old World 07:17 Kill Team Thank you for watching my video, glory to the Emperor and the Imperium of Mankind! Join this channel to get access to perks: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YT MEMBERSHIP ►► DISCORD ►► TWITTER ►► FACEBOOK ►► INSTAGRAM ►► ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMAZON LINK ►► HOBBY WORKSHOP ►► ELEMENT GAMES ►► USA HOBBY SHOP ►► OVERLCOCKERS ►► MERCH ►► PATREON ►► ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #warhammer #warhammer40k #horusheresy #40k #gamesworkshop All images, miniatures, or any other trademarks (other than our own) are either ®, TM, and/or © to their respective company owners. Used without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.
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