Since update 1.6 of the toolkit the edge array works differently and trying to replicate the second part of this tutorial will no longer produce the correct results.
One of the changes I’ve made in later updates is removing the old pawn array and kept the pawn actor array which is now called the pawn array. I felt it was too awkward to have two separate arrays for where pawns are placed on the grid, so I did this to simplify. You can always get the same info as was contained in the old pawn array by getting the faction of the unit reference contained at an index. For AoE now I would use the Get Indexes In Range function in BP_GridManager, which outputs to the Tiles In Range array. Loop over this outputted array with a foreach loop and get each index from the pawn array, checking if it is valid (e.g. containing a pawn). If it does you call the receive damage event for that pawn.
The sixth tutorial video for the Advanced Turn Based Tile Toolkit for Unreal Engine 4, which is available on the UE4 marketplace.
Link to discussion thread on the UE4 forums:
Оригинал видео -
0:00 Intro
2:00 Setup
5:10 Area Attacks
7:45 Tiles in Range
14:45 Visual Effects
16:47 Delay
18:38 Destructible Terrain
22:27 Radial Force
25:50 Changing Edge Costs
27:32 Collision Box
30:59 Destructible Tree