DR. BETER (1921-1987) Dr Peter Beter Audio Book 7A: The Tragic Truth About FDR Era: Volume A; February 11, 1976

Dr. Beter was General Counsel for the Export-Import Bank of Washington DC in the WHITE HOUSE administration of President Kennedy. Dr Beter was a candidate for the governorship of West Virginia; cofounded SODESMIR, a mineral exploration company in Zaire; represented American gas utilities building a pipeline the length of Argentina; represented mining interests in underwater manganese nodule exploration in the Pacific; was featured at financial seminars in New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Toronto, Montreal, Geneva, and other international financial centers. As a political and economic commentator, Dr. Beter worked with Wall Street luminaries including Franz Pick, Edward Durell, Colonel Curtis Dall, Norman Dodd, Emmanuel Josephson, and many others. He wrote prolifically, including Conspiracy Against the Dollar (Braziller New York). This audio book is a member of the witness to history series it is entitled The Tragic Truth About the FDR era volume a FDR’s rise to the presidency it was recorded on February 11th 1976 by Colonel Curtis B Dal and Dr Peter beer Colonel Dal shares with Dr beer and with you rare and often stunning personal close-ups of the personality family and presidency of Franklin D Roosevelt who was Colonel dal’s father-in-law he also draws upon the lessons of a remarkable business career ranging from the top echelons of Wall Street where for example he was once a partner in The Firm known today as Marl Lynch Pierce fener and Smith to the founding of what is today one of America’s Best Known major companies his accomplishments are rendered even more amazing by the fact that he served a total of more than 13 years in voluntary military service leading to the rank he now holds in the retired Air Force Reserve he is also the author of several books including FDR my Ed father-in-law and Warlords of Washington and is well known for his patriotic activities for which he has been honored with a number of awards he is joined in this discussion by Dr Peter beer who is no stranger to audiobook listeners Dr beer has recorded four previous audiobook talking tapes and is heard monthly throughout the United States and in several foreign countries by means of his of his unique monthly audio letter he is widely known as the man who opened Fort Knox in 1974 as well as for his numerous Advanced Revelations of major economic and political developments based on confidential information sources in intelligence business and finance he is listed in who’s who in the East and other biographical reference works and has written several books including the non-fiction bestseller the conspiracy against the dollar published by George bazill in 1973 Colonel Dal it’s indeed an honor to be here with you today today to discuss one of the most important topics in the history of the United States the role of your father-in-law President Franklin delanor Roosevelt at his impact on the present as well as the past and future course of our nation in our discussion today February 11, 1976 I believe uh our listeners should be given a personal evaluation of the significance of the Roosevelt era and as you know it has been virtually impossible to have this evaluation because the data has been carefully hidden in family records and hasn’t been uh made available for the general public since you were a part of this Roosevelt Delano Family uh we are indeed privileged uh to be able to record today an oral history of a very important part of the history of our nation Dr beer I appreciate very much the opportunity of exchanging ideas on very important topics with you I am.....
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