Present Continuous vs To be going to - English Grammar

We all make plans for the future, and we often discuss them with friends, right? Well, in English, there are several ways to express future plans. TO BE GOING TO vs PRESENT CONTINUOUS) – what do you think? How to choose the correct grammatical structure? - ‘To be going to’ is used to express the personal intentions or personal plans. - The Present Continuous Tense is used to express agreement or other preliminary actions. It is very easy to practice “to be going to” and the Present Continuous Tense just use it whenever you’re planning something. Like, share, comment, please!!! Do you want to continue learning English Tenses in a simple & easy way? ‘English Tenses’ course book =sr_1_1 *** Join Perfect English Pronunciation Online Course courses/pronunciation/ *** English Pronunciation Training coursebook
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