M1 Max running Resident Evil Village at 4K Ultra graphics settings at over 130fps while unplugged
These settings:
HDR Mode: off
Color Space: sRGB
Display Mode: full screen
Screen Resolution: 3456x2160
Frame rate: variable
Vertical Synchronisation: off
MetalFX: perfomance
Texture quality: high (8GB)
Texture filter quality: high (ANISO x16)
Mesh quality: max
Ambient Occlusion: FidelityFX CACAO
Screen space reflections: on
Volumetric lightning quality: high
Subsurface scattering: on
Shadow quality: max
Contact shadows: on
Shadow cache: on
Bloom: on
Lens flare: on
Film noise: off
Depth of field: on
Lens distortion: on
Also turn high power mode on in settings and it can go slower when your Mac is running low on battery.
I used Metal Performance HUD to measure the frame rate, it works on any Mac running MacOS 13 (Ventura), how to use it yourself:
If you find the application in finder, right click on it, press “Show Package Contents”, open the “Contents” folder, then right click on the folder called “MacOS”, hover over the dropdown menu at the bottom of the list, move your mouse to the side then down, click new terminal at folder, then type “export MTL_HUD_ENABLED=1” and press enter, then type “./“ and press tab, then press enter, the game will then launch with the Metal Performance HUD.
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