Tampa Am 2010 Finals

FINAL RESULTS: 1. Elijah Berle 2. Ishod Wair 3. Jon Cosentino 4. Kevin Romar 5. Jeff Marshall 6. Felipe Gustavo 7. Julian Christianson 8. Ben Hatchell 9. Kyle Walker 10. Matt Berger 11. Jack Olson 12. Shawn Hale BEST TRICK: Cameo Wilson (360 flip over the elbow block and frontside flip to flat) VIDEO FEATURING: Dylan Perry, Cameo Wilson, Evan Smith, Timmy Knuth, Shawn Hale, Jack Olson, Matt Berger, Kyle Walker, Ben Hatchell, Julian Christianson, Felipe Gustavo, Jeff Marshall, Kevin Romar, Jon Cosentino, Ishod Wair, Elijah Berle. Filmed edited by James Buchmann
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