How to Make Chocolate Butterflies | Piped Filigree Designs

How to Make a Chocolate Butterfly | Piped Filigree Designs Hi there !!! Thanks so much for watching my video, I hope it was helpful and informative. To create the piping bags I use freezer bags, please check out my tutorial on how to make them : Here is a template i created that you can use for the butterfly designs, please follow my Pinterest page for details : For the chocolate I use Wilton Candy Melts, I find this chocolate gives a strong and sturdy finish and dry very quickly too. You can use other brands and cooking chocolates that will have similar results. It does set very quickly. I did find my piping bags would dry up and harden quickly too with chocolate inside. But I was able to pop them into the microwave for around 15 seconds and the chocolate melted again. I suggest doing this with caution as all microwaves are different. Another option is to only mix small amounts of chocolate at a time. I gotta say and this mi
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