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On Tour with ALESTORM, GLORYHAMMER and RUMAHOY, Beginning this Friday in Munich!
WIND ROSE state:
“We are extremely excited to release the official videoclip for “Army of Stone“! When we wrote the song, we were thinking about huge statues that recalled the times when the Dwarves fought their glorious battles, so we created a video that fits perfectly with the concept. This is the best way to celebrate the beginning of the massive European tour with Alestorm, Gloryhammer and Rumahoy, starting on January 6... Get ready for the best party of 20
DE - Munich / Backstage
DE - Stuttgart / Wagenhallen
HU - Budapest / Barba Negra
AT - Vienna / Arena
CZ - Brno / Sono Centrum
PL - Kraków / Klub STUDIO
DE - Leipzig / Haus Auensee
DE - Geiselwind / Music Hall
DE - Berlin / Huxleys Neue Welt
PL - Warsaw / Progresja
LV - Riga / Palladium Riga
FI - Helsinki / House of Culture
SE - Stockholm / Arenan Fryshuset
NO - Oslo / Sentrum Scene
DK - Copenhagen / Falconer Theatre
DE - Hamburg / Markthalle
DE - Hannover / Capitol
DE - Saarbrücken / Garage
DE - Wiesbaden / Schlachthof
BE - Torhout / De Mast
NL - Den Bosch / MAINSTAGE Brabanthallen
FR - Paris / Olympia Paris
CH - Pratteln / Z7 Konzertfabrik
IT - Milan / Alcatraz
FR - Lyon / Transbordeur
DE - Oberhausen / Turbinenhalle
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