《龙的传人》 Descendants of Dragon (with lyrics and English translation)

龙的传人 Descendants of Dragon by Leehom Wang 王力宏 英文中文歌词 English and Chinese lyrics 遥远的东方有一条江 Faraway in the east there is an river 它的名字就叫长江 Its name is Yangtse 遥远的东方有一条河 Faraway in the east there is an river 它的名字就叫黄河 Its name is Huanghe 古老的东方有一条龙 In ancient east there is a dragon 它的名字就叫中国 Its name is China Thank you to yishkabob, who pointed out that @ the ’sui’ should actually be translated to ALTHOUGH not WHO. Really sorry about that.
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