Appium Beginner Tutorial 1 | Basic Setup on Windows and Mac OS | Raghav Pal
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APPIUM 2 Changes
From appium 2.x onwards, the communication will happen over w3c protocol (refer images)
Appium drivers are maintained separately, so need to install on a need basis
Introduced appium plugins, so different communities or individuals can create code blocks to add/alter certain appium commands which can talk with the appium drivers
Migrating from Appium 1.x to Appium 2.x
Appium Basic Setup on Windows and Mac OS
Step 1 - Check if is installed and setup node -v npm -v
Step 2 - If not, download & install
Step 3 - Check if appium is available on the system appium —version or appium -v
Step 4 - Install Appiu ...
#RaghavPal #Appium_Basic_Setup_on_Windows_and_Mac_OS #This_is_for_complete_Beginners #Appium_setup_on_Windows_and_Mac_OS #node_js_setup #appium_commands #how_to_start_appium_server_on_different_port #how_to_install_appium_drivers #how_to_setup_appium_from_scratch