In 1988 I did an interview with my teacher, the great jazz guitarist Johnny Smith. As far as I know it’s the only of its kind. John is gracious and insightful, as ever. Finally this hour-long exchange of music and talk is available to everyone! My formal training with Johnny Smith ended in my teens, but I returned to my home town of Colorado Springs regularly to see him as well as friends and family. He’d spent decades in The Apple recording and playing at NBC and the clubs, and he liked to say that his favorite view of the city was in his rear-view mirror when he headed West. And he claimed he’d chosen the Springs because it was as far away from NYC that you could get without getting too close to L.A.! Although there are invaluable nuggets for a jazz player, I think Smith’s wisdom and anecdotes during the show, filmed in his living room, apply universally. He plays solos at the beginning and end. After the opening credits, go to 49’ 31“ to hear the duets-- a blues by Johnny and “Just Friends“ -- and the closing solo. Further music and video from this student of Johnny Smith, of Ustad Amir Khan, and many more, are at and
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