Palestine Talks | An Anti-Zionist Roundtable with Miko Peled and Sami Al-Arian

In this exclusive TRT World roundtable discussion featuring Israeli American activist and writer, Miko Peled, and Palestinian activist and professor Sami Al-Arian, who is the director of Center for Islam and Global Affairs based in Istanbul, Zionism is explored as a means of developing anti-Palestinian fear in its followers, a persecutory force against those who – in accordance with key moral principles and international law – stand up for the rights of Palestinians, and, finally, is embedded within American institutions of power. Drawing largely from their own lived experiences, including remarkable challenges in relation to Zionism they have had to overcome, Miko Peled, who eventually rejected his Zionist upbringing to become an unwavering and outspoken ally to the Palestinian people, and Sami Al-Arian, who was wrongly imprisoned in the United States after having been framed by Zionist supporters for aiding “terrorism”, speak to how pro-Palestinian solidarity, education and activism can upend Zionist oppression worldwide and lead to a future where both Palestinians and Israelis alike can actually live together – as equals. Subscribe: Livestream: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Visit our website:
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